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Look to in a sentence

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Sentence count:222Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: anticipatelook forSimilar words: look throughlooklook forlook onlook outlook uplook inlook atMeaning: v. 1. turn one's interests or expectations towards 2. be excited or anxious about. 
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91, But there are substantial legal problems as major financial institutions literally pick up the pieces and look to their future.
92, And people no longer look to the parties to provide them with parades, marching bands, and Thanksgiving turkeys.
93, The importance of the mandarins made them look to Western eyes rather like aristocrats.
94, Karen Lansdown picks out her favourites Heaven sent Look to the skies for stunning accessories.
95, To give a harmonious look to the room, the living and dining areas have been decorated in the same style.
96, The overall cutback in the funding of federal urban programs would require cities to look to state governments for aid.
97, Finally if you have questions about organization design, you should look to Chapter 10.
98, From the fence I surveyed the area, sneaking a look to see if Shelly was lying in the window.
99, Those attending will look to you, the chairman, to limit or control the amount of time spent on various topics.
100, I look to the current discussions, and also to the United States, to give the ground that is needed.
101, Equilibrium is everything to sportsbook operators, who look to make money by taking a commission on bets.
102, Ina and Jason Dungjen look to be second for the third straight time.
103, While people look to the Tories to make money, they look to Labour to spend it to more social purpose.
104, Now seeking means to combat the Chemicals Age, we look to our forbears for help.
105, Equilibrium is the goal for sportsbook operators, who look to make money by taking a commission on bets.
106, Blackburn now look to be the only only team capable of catching scum.
107, Look to turn right,(Sentencedict) across a busy junction at the end of the motorway.
108, A small pastry hat manifested itself low on my brow, giving the missing barmy look to my regalia.
109, Governing bodies may sometimes wish to look to independent consultants for advice in these matters.
110, I look to see Peter yearningly.
111, She gave an oblique look to one side.
112, Those job seekers look to catch out companies.
113, One look to Calvary can dispel your doubts.
114, Look to the old man — he is fainting.
115, In addition, look to be led reputably even, under of 98% lead reputably do not touch.
116, Look to let a space more fully, host demolished the partition between kitchen and living room, those who replace is a small glass stage, be master and contemporary carefree life interest .
117, Their women are handsome, and have tall, slim, well-knit figures; and with their free and easy movements, and natural independent airs, they look to me like swarthy Englishwomen.
118, If a build keeps breaking at a particular point, for instance, you can readily identify what discipline to look to for the cause, because your process is consistent and well-defined.
119, But with my name, and with my little means, what am I to look to?
120, Take a look to the unique, modern and earth friendly Shiner's furniture and you definitely will like it!
More similar words: look throughlooklook forlook onlook outlook uplook inlook atlook intolook overlook down onlook backoverlooklook afterlook forward tostick todrink togo back todate back tohookloopbookfloorloosefloodbook forballooncookiebloodynotebook
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